Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Family Addition

I wanted to introduce all of you guys to our latest family addition, Cash. Today during my class Christmas party, a parent asked if I wanted a puppy. Her son was very upset when Bogey died, so she thought of me when she happened upon this precious little guy. He is 1/2 lab and 1/2 weimeraner and 100% cute. We decided to name he Cash after my school. He is 7 weeks old. Christmas has been full of surprises already. I've gotten my house painted, a new cool jacket, and now a puppy. What a great way to end a year!

Monday, December 04, 2006

'Tis the Season

On Saturday Cheney and I drove up the mountain in search of the perfect Christmas Tree farm. We spent all day piddling around Hendersonville, NC. We discovered lots of quaint little shops that I will definitely return to. I never thought I would find $150 pajamas in a little mountain town :) After a late lunch and shopping, we ended up 2 miles from our house at a Christmas tree farm. We opted for a Leyland Cypress this year. I spent the rest of the evening decorating the tree and making popcorn and cranberry chains.

We were planning on making the journey back to Baton Rouge for a visit after Christmas, but we aren't going to be able to now, so we're making the best of Christmas in SC.