Monday, April 14, 2008

NETS standard #1Reflection

The NETS standards for teachers lays out a plan to hold teachers accountable for continual growth in the realm of technology. Standard one asks that teachers show an understanding of technology concepts and operations and show continual growth of those concepts. In a nutshell, the ISTE would like for all teachers to at least be able to show proficiency in the area of technology and grow as that area expands. Teachers must continually expand their repetoire in technology because it changes so quickly. What you show mastery of one day will change at an exponential rate.

In comparison to teachers around me, I feel like I am adequately equipped to meet these standards. Technology is something that I am passionate about in my personal life and the lives of my students. Much of my time is spent in researching ways to utilize technology in my classroom - from digital story telling through Movie Maker, podcasting, wikis, and internet bulletin boards - I make sure that my students are as comfortable as I am with the wide variety of options to learn. I feel like I have mastered the first standard on the NETS list. As far as a course of action to improve my weaknesses, I would like to explore the area of VODcasting in more depth. My students love using POD casting, so I think that is the most apparent next step.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahhh...the life of a teacher. I'm glad that you can survive that whole process. Finally.... an update on your blog. I've missed you! Reba

11:20 PM  

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