Sunday, September 03, 2006

Not My Plans

When I left Louisiana, my plan was to become a lady of leisure. Cheney told me I didn't have to work full time if I didn't want to. Well, with that as an option, I decided to stay at home. I was planning to substitute a few days here and there, volunteer at the hospital, cook meals, and keep the house immaculate. Well, all summer, I have been faced with closed doors at every turn. My substitute application was not approved because 850 new teachers were hired and subs were at the bottom of the list. That would mean that I couldn't sub until October. I applied to volunteer at the hospital in the NICU, but as of today, they still haven't called to set up that interview. Finally, one day during my prayer time, I just said, "Lord, I don't know where you want me to be, but I want to do what you have planned for me. You may have to hit me over the head to make it clear." That was August 23rd. The next morning, I had a phone call from a school in the area that needed a 2nd grade teacher. I called for more information and ended up getting an interview for the next day at 12:30. I went to the interview (which lasted 2 hours) and came home. I felt really good about it, but wasn't worried about getting or not getting the job. At 4:00 I received a call from the principal asking if I would take the job. Never before have I felt such a peace about what I was supposed to do. After meeting the teachers I will be working with, I was told that this principal never hires teachers with private school backgrounds (I have 5 years in the private school) and that she interviewed 30 applicants. I had never even applied. I started on the 28th of August ( 3 weeks after school began). I didn't have one item because I sold everything before I left Louisiana. I walked into a classroom that had everything I needed , down to an emergency stash of water and crackers for Shelter In Place drills. I haven't been the least bit stressed over beginning after school started. I know without a doubt that this is what the Lord had planned for me. So, for now, I am a 2nd grade teacher at Robert E. Cashion Elementary school in Greenville, South Carolina.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! Teachers must make a lot more money in SC than in La to be able to afford a house like that! (ha ha) The last time we were in NC we had planned on visiting the Biltmore, but it didn't work out. I heard it was well worth it. I'm glad to hear that you are teaching again. It sounds like it was God's hand at work. Keep us informed on how your year is going. I miss you!


2:23 PM  

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